Multifunctionalenzymes Focusing on the fungi that extract nutrients from dead wood in forests, INRAE researchers discovered powerful oxidative enzymes capable of breaking down the polysaccharides cellulose and chitin. They then incorporated these enzymes into new biotechnological processes that make it easier to recycle wood. Cellulose and chitin are the main targets given that they are highly resistant polymers. The broader aim is to use these biocatalysts as part of environmentally friendly processes applied at industrial scales. Using a collection of 3,000 fungal strains from all over the world, INRAE researchers at the International Centre for Microbial Resources identified previously unknown fungal enzymes that could be used to degrade artificial polymers that cause environmental harm. 2. Jean-Guy Berrin / BBF Joint Research Unit / TRANSFORM and MICA Divisions INRAE Centre of Province-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Transitioning towards low-carbon industries 03. Chitin The main compound making up arthropod exoskeletons; it is also found in certain fungi and lichens. Polymers Macromolecules that are composed of smaller molecules called monomers (e.g., the polymer starch is made up of glucose monomers). Polysaccharides Complex carbohydrates comprising a large number of sugar monomers; cellulose and starch are polysaccharides.