Bones yield useful molecules Harvesting the bounty of biomass 01. In the livestock production system for meat and milk, nearly 50% of the animal weight ends up as residue. To increase bioresources efficiency, INRAE researchers are exploring how these residues can be transformed into valuable commodities. They have found that animal bones contain beneficial molecules with antioxidant, antidiabetic, haemostatic and antihypertensive properties. These molecules also possess functional features and can act as gelling agents, plasticisers and flame retardants. For example, the researchers highlighted the antioxidant effects of bone-derived molecules in meat products and butter. In addition, they are studying how these compounds perform mechanically and thermally when used to formulate bio-based plastics with flame retardant properties. 1. Vincenza Ferraro / BIA Research Unit /TRANSFORM Division INRAE Centre of Pays de la Loire